

The rolling process reduces friction damage to the sealing ring or components during piston rod movement

The piston rod is processed by rolling to enhance its surface corrosion resistance and delay the generation or expansion of fatigue cracks, thereby increasing the fatigue strength of the cylinder rod. By rolling forming, a cold work hardening layer is formed on the rolling surface, reducing the elastic and plastic deformation of the contact surface of the grinding pair, thereby increasing the wear resistance of the product surface and avoiding burns caused by grinding.
After rolling, the decrease in surface roughness value can increase its compatibility properties. At the same time, it reduces the friction damage to the sealing ring or components during piston movement, and extends the overall service life of the oil cylinder. Rolling process is an efficient and high-quality process measure.
What should be done if the piston rod ruptures during processing?
1. Adjust the movement rate between the product and the induction switch to avoid the occurrence of heat treatment soft bands.
2. Moderately expand the output power of electromagnetic induction heating, so that the surface strength and reasonable hard bottom layer are deeply considered for product requirements.
3. After quenching and tempering treatment, the product workpieces that need to be straightened should ensure that the internal stress caused by straightening does not hinder the subsequent processing, manufacturing, and application of the piston rod. If necessary, stress relief should be carried out.

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